I’ve been attending the Bodyline Clinic now for 3 weeks since being prescribed Diethylpropion 75mg in my first consultation. So far, my experience has been great with no negative side...
I mentioned in my initial weight loss post that I would be working with Bodyline Clinic at the start of my weight loss journey. Like most people, I had a...
You may have been following my weight loss journey over the past few months but if you haven’t, myself and the Mr are on a mission to ditch the pounds...
It’s been two months of detox, dieting and exercise; in those two months the total number of lbs lost is 36. Although I can’t personally see the effects, I can...
The gym can be a costly expenditure, especially if you don’t make use of your membership. For people like me, I honestly cannot squeeze gym visits into my schedule, I...
I’ve been strict dieting and working out for the past three weeks now, you may have read before that I am on a mission to transform this fatty into some...
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