The lovely people at MAM UK have sent us the MAM Trainer Cup to put to the test. I was most excited about receiving this product as Isabelle has always...
Isabelle has been teething heavily and we have tried all sorts of teethers to try and help, this is when we came across the MAM Bite and Play Teether. We...
The first thing that I noticed was the great bunny design (as well as being very cute) making Isabelle chuckle when she saw it. It is available in two...
I have come to realise that MAM soothers are known for their high standards and using innovative and attractive designs for their products. The Air Soothers do not disappoint. Isabelle...
I had heard mixed reviews about the Bumbo seat but when Isabelle was no longer happy with being seated in her bouncer chair and wanted to sit up straight we...
Having very sensitive skin myself and prone to having breakouts of eczema I was extremely cautious about the products that I use on my daughter. I didn’t want her to...
With our weaning process well under way we were finding it increasing difficult with certain finger foods like chopped up banana and strawberries. Although Isabelle has developed her pincer grip...
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