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Weaning so far

To start I do not believe there is a right or wrong way to wean your child, whatever method works for you is fine. What I do not agree with is feeding babies food that is high in sugar, fat and salt. We’ve always had trouble when it came to feeding times with Isabelle, she suffered from Colic and Reflux...


My little lady has been suffering with her soon to be new teeth lately, its been a struggle to say the least. I think we will all be happy when...

Baby Milestones

What should my child be doing? Why isnt he/she doing them already? Does it mean there is something wrong with him/her? But so-and-so’s baby is doing it. Sound familiar? Milestones...
The Cupcake Result 6

The Cupcake Result

By no means am I a master baker but my cupcakes aren’t too shabby, although my icing skills are not up to scratch. I present to you Blueberry Muffin Cookie...
Cookie Monster Cupcakes 8

Cookie Monster Cupcakes

Having been inspired by all you domestic godess mummies, I am trying my hand at baking cupakes. Easy to start with you may think, but my lack of baking skills...

Happy Half Year!

6 Months to the date we became  parents…..6 whole months. It is a rather scary thought that in another 6 months, our little girl will be a year old. I...


Parent Noun A person’s father or mother:the parents of the bridehis adoptive parents Archaic a forefather or ancestor. An animal or plant from which new ones are derived. A source...