This month i’m including some of my favourite good reads from my favourite bloggers as part of the Inspire & Flourish Linky from Kate at The Less-Refined Mind. The posts I have selected are ones that I can completely relate to, ones that I have loved to read and truly honest and inspirational.
First of all we have Why am I still pumping? from Taylor Made Ramblings, in a nation where breastfeeding is still scrutinised it was lovely to read that despite having an exclusively breastfed child, Rebecca pumped and stored her excess supply to donate.
Then we have Be The Princess If That’s What You Want To Be from The Everyday Mom Life, I couldn’t agree with Rachel more. My own daughter is very much the hot dog but there’s nothing wrong with being the princess either. Children should be allowed to develop their own personality and discover their own likes, without having it forced upon them.
Stand up for Kindness from Puzzle and Petticoats has to be one of the most poignant posts I have read recently. Encouraging others to stop shaming, stand up and be kind. The UK has shockingly low breastfeeding rates and people should not be shamed for how they chose to feed their baby. Breast or bottle, it does not matter, we should be supportive.
We’ve all been there, us parents, with that feeling of guilt that we’re not quite up to scratch, that we could do better. Katie from Hurrah for Gin couldn’t have put it better with The Shitty Guilt Fairy. She reminds us that we are all human and sometimes logic goes right out of the window and we let guilt take over.
Cathryn from Cardiff Mummy Says has recently experienced something that all parents are not quite ready for, the transition from Mummy to Mum. I’m still clinging on to Mummy for as long as I can but I know it won’t last forever.
Hopefully you will have enjoyed these as much as I have and if you have read any amazing posts recently, I’d love to know.
Cardiff Mummy Says - Cathryn
at 9:35 pmThank you so much for including my post in your lovely round up. Such a lovely selection to be included in. The mum thing has definitely been emotional!
Kate Tunstall, The Less-Refined Mind
at 10:51 amThanks so much for linking up to #inspireflourish x