Running a blog is a full-time job. Just ask anyone who does it for a living! But sometimes, it can run into trouble. You can’t always think of new posts...
Every time you release a new blog post, there’s a moment of fear that nobody will view it. Ideally, you want to see plenty of views within the first few...
Speed – one of the most important metrics for a modern website. If you want to retain users or attract new ones, the biggest help is a fast-loading website. While...
Anyone can get into blogging, and it’s a very accessible platform for you to start a career on, especially when you’re working from home and otherwise very busy. You could...
Blogging is a brilliant pastime for both working at home mums as well as for those who want a space to share their ideas. A blog is a wonderful thing...
If like me and blogging is your favourite pastime, then this post could be just what you are looking for. For me, it has been a delicate balance between motherhood,...
When I first started blogging, it was normal to have blog posts that were just all text with no images but nowadays the key to enticing readers to your blog...
Being a blogger, you want your content to stand out and the best way to do that is by creating great content with imagery to match. Sometimes your writing alone,...
Hey! Welcome to Mum’s The Nerd. The Manchester, UK Family Lifestyle Blog ♥