If you have a child then you will have probably heard of Num Noms, if not, they are little cute, scented, little collectables. Little Legs is absolutely obsessed with collecting them so when we were invited to a Num Noms pizza party, she was delighted. For an added bonus, Little Legs’ favourite food group is Pizza, she would eat it every day if she could, so a pizza party is definitely her kind of party.
We had a fun packed couple of hours which consisted of the biggest pile of Num Noms I have ever seen, seriously there were hundreds. I imagine it was heaven for a Num Nom enthusiast like Little Legs.
No party is complete without party games and the fab team hosting the event did not disappoint. A game of “guess the flavour” was a big hit and Little Legs was surprisingly good at it before she decided she wanted to go back and play with the mammouth pile of Num Noms.
Little Legs was super excited to see that face painting was also on the agenda, to a 5 year old, face paints are “the best thing ever!!”
It wouldn’t have been a pizza party without pizza and the fab folks at Bella Italia really know how to throw a pizza party. The little ones were invited to create their very own pizza from a choice of toppings, with an adorable little chefs hat, little legs created her pizza masterpiece (it consisted mostly of black olives) which she was able to eat once cooked, Little Leg’s gave it a thumbs up and promptly demolished it.
For the grand finale, there was no better way to finish the party than with an ice cream sundae. In the words of a 5 year old, it was “Amazing!”
Thanks for inviting us, we had a fab time! (Little Legs also very much appreciated receiving another Num Nom to add to her collection)
Alvaro Brown
at 12:45 pmAwww. That looks like a fun pizza party.