You love your home, right? It’s warm, comforting, a place for everyone to get together, it’s where you come home to after a hard day’s work or just somewhere to relax after chasing the kids around all day. But once the Christmas decorations have come down, the lights have been put away and all the new toys have been played with and disappeared into the kids’ rooms – your home might be looking a little tired…
The new year is a perfect time to dust away those cobwebs, take a step back and really look at how you can give your home a new lease of life!
Here you’ll get the lowdown on how you can freshen up your family home – without breaking the bank or even a sweat.
Take a look at the bathroom
One of the busiest rooms of the house! It gets a pounding everyday and you really have to work hard to keep it clean – let a lone find the time to update it. But did you know that breathing new life into your W.C doesn’t mean a complete renovation. It’s the little things that make the difference! Why not try adding a few decorative tiles above the bathtub? You can find them here.
Try fitting a new mixer tap or new shower head to really invigorate your mornings? And there’s nothing wrong with investing in a new bath mat either! Don’t be afraid to add a little luxury, remember: your bathroom is a place for you to relax in, not just somewhere your partner has a shave!
What about your walls?
If wallpapering or painting isn’t your thing – or you’re perfectly content with the colour scheme and style your home currently has, then that doesn’t mean you have to neglect your walls completely. If like me, you’re a bit of a David Bailey – you’ll probably have loads of photographs either stuck on your phone or only ever thought to upload them onto social media.
Well, now is the time to get them printed out! Why not try creating a gallery wall in your living room or just in the hallway as you come inside? Picture frames of all shapes and sizes displayed on the walls may sound a little “Busy” but if you stick to a colour scheme and space them well, it can have a really quirky and homely effect. Not to mention, you can relive all those wonderful moments every time you walk past them to the bathroom!
Create a reading corner
Do you love books? Having little ones means that it’s important to encourage reading. But in a world full of tablets and smart phones – its not always that easy. This New Year, why not create a reading corner for everyone to enjoy?
Simply find a roomy corner, bring yours and your children’s books in – either on shelves or a bookcase, purchase a few beanbags or update a few old chairs, invest in some good lighting and – voila! You have yourself the perfect starting place for many adventures.
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