Eating Healthily Away From Home

Eating Healthily Away From Home 2

When planning a day or weekend away from home, you can be forgiven for resigning yourself to the acceptance that meals will consist of unhealthy fast food. Greasy and fatty fried food is convenient because it means we can have a warm meal to go, but it’s hardly the healthiest way to live.

Service stations and even high streets are awash with fast food chains offering burgers, fries and buckets of chicken. Added to fact that healthier alternatives can either mean waiting around longer for your meal, paying a premium or often both, it is no wonder that those on the go a happy to settle for calorific food.




Food Preparation

The easiest and cheapest way to ensure that your balanced diet is not upset when on the go is to prepare meals and snacks. Sandwiches, wraps and cold meals that can be packaged in an air-tight container mean that you can enjoy a healthy meal instead of blowing all of your recommended daily allowances on one not-so-fulfilling meal that will only make you feel bloated. Healthy Mummy has a range of amazing nutritious and healthy snacks in the UK, which are particularly good for mums-on-the-go.

Of course, if you are away for two days or more, food prep can be a little more difficult, especially if you don’t have anywhere to store your food. Hopefully, where you are staying includes a fridge where you can store containers, but if not then all is not lost. Think about bringing food sources that don’t need to be refrigerated and can be eaten very easily wherever you are in the world. Something like Growli is ideal in this situation as it’s in powdered form and you just need water to enjoy it. You’ll find lots of meal replacement shakes of a similar ilk, and the concept is that you simply shake up the meal in a bottle and drink it as you please. There’s no need for a fridge; all you need is access to drinking water.



Research the Hotel Menu

In the event that you cannot prepare your meals for days in advance, you will do well to carefully research the menu on offer at the hotel you will be staying in. For example, Best Western Nottingham Derby clearly outline their menu for guests to peruse before staying, allowing them to decide if their offering is suitable for them.

Most hotels will have their menu viewable online, especially if they incorporate an onsite restaurant in their facility. Hopefully, the hotel will also add in nutritional details on each meal, better helping you to make an informed decision on your meal.


Meal Deal, Meal Deal, Meal Deal

If you want to eat healthily, but at the same time don’t want to pay a premium for breakfast, lunch and dinner, seek out the meal deals available in most supermarkets. For between £3 and £4, you will be able to grab a healthy meal that can both satisfy your needs and not break the bank.

While there are, of course, unhealthy options hidden in the meal deal section at supermarkets, making your selection carefully can make all the difference. It isn’t just sandwiches that are part of the trusty meal deal, with many shops also including salad mixtures alongside a snack and drink. So if you are trying to maintain a low-carb diet on your travels, you can rest assured that there is a meal deal just around the corner that has got your back.



Portion Sizes

Everything in moderation, that’s what we are so often reminded when planning our meals. When we are out and about, and have a buffet to help ourselves to, it can be very tempting to overdo it on the portion sizes. Even if what you are eating is considered to be somewhat healthy, going back for a second, third or even fourth plate is certainly not helping your diet.

On the plus side, however, this does mean that you can include less healthy options as long as they are in moderation. There is nothing wrong with including fatty foods or chocolate in your diet, as long as you are sensible and do not rely on them as the basis of your diet.

The next time you and your friends and family plan an extended break, don’t stress about having to throw your healthy diet out of the window. You can still enjoy yourself and eat healthily at the same time!

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