I have caught baking fever – Basic Chewy Cookie Recipe

I have caught baking fever - Basic Chewy Cookie Recipe 2

We have perfected the Chewy Cookie Recipe, it’s just a basic recipe so you can add anything you like to adapt it i.e chocolate chips, smarties etc. They are so yummy that I have made them for two nights running with a plan to make another batch tomorrow.

Cooking Time: 15 mins at 170°C /Gas Mark 3


250g Plain Flour
100g Caster Sugar
200g Dark Brown Soft Sugar
2 Medium Eggs
120g Unsalted Butter (plus a little extra to grease your tray)
1/2 tsp Bicarbonate of Soda (Or Baking Powder)
1/2 tsp Salt
300g of the filling of your choice (chocolate chips were amazing)


Preheat the oven to start to 170°C /Gas Mark 3
Grease a baking tray or line with parchment paper
Sift the flour, salt and the bicarbonate of soda and mix into a bowl.
Cream together in a bowl the butter, caster sugar and brown sugar
Add the eggs to the butter mixture and mix until creamy
Slowly mix in the flour to the batter, this should form a soft stick dough
Form into balls and squish to the desired size
Bake for 15 minutes and allow to cool

We have discovered that they are delicious warm or cold

I have caught baking fever - Basic Chewy Cookie Recipe 3

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