Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas – 2018

Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas - 2018 2

_Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas_If you’ve been a reader for a while, you will know that Christmas is my absolute favourite time of the year. I love everything about the festivities from the preparation, the decorating, the gift buying, I love it all.

When I first started dating the Mr, he was a little overwhelmed by my love of all things Christmas but slowly over the years, he’s used to my excitable festive nature.

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Buddy The Elf

Every year Buddy makes his return on the first day of December when we put the Christmas tree up. He brings the Advent calendars for us to start our festive countdown. I’m fairly sure that Little Leg’s is now just humouring us but allows us to continue our adventures with Buddy. It’s all fun and games until one of us forgets to move the Buddy!

Christmas Baking

Every year we have the tradition of baking mince pies and decorating a gingerbread house. The gingerbread house never gets eaten though, because Little Leg’s doesn’t want to ruin her masterpiece.

Christmas Markets

One of my favourite traditions is spending a day at the Christmas Markets. We are lucky to live in Manchester where the Christmas Markets huge, I love wandering around and taking in the atmosphere with a gluhwein or two.

The Christmas Tree

Is there anything more magical than a twinkling Christmas tree? Putting up the tree and decorating is the official start of Christmas for us.

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Ice Skating

Little Legs has really gotten into ice skating this year, it didn’t take her long to pick it up at all. I’m proud of her for taking the falls and her determination to carry on.

Gift Wrapping

Before Little Leg’s came along, I would spend hours gift wrapping with pretty bows and ribbons. All that changed when she became mobile and we have to hide gifts. Now that she’s a bit older, we take the opportunity to wrap the gifts when she’s not home.

Biscuit Decorating

This year we found these cute little Christmas jumper biscuits to decorate, combining my love of Christmas jumpers and baking.


Even though Little Leg’s is now 8, I love that she still wants to help us put treats out for Santa on Christmas Eve

Do you have any Christmas traditions with your family? I’d love to hear about them

Merry Christmas, Everyone. We’ll be back with more posts in the New Year

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