Did you calculate the costs of having a baby before you started your family? I’m not talking about all those maternity bits, the baby clothes, pushchairs and all of the...
During pregnancy it took us a while to start thinking about baby names, in my head I already had a little boys name picked out ‘Oliver’ but when we had...
< p align=”justify”>Every woman has somewhat of a daily battle with the way that she looks and during pregnancy, this is something that is magnified. As your body changes you...
Are you an expectant mother who also works in a corporate environment? If so, you might be looking for comfortable yet professional maternity wear fashions that will be suitable for...
MaternityNoun [mass noun] Motherhood. [usually as modifier] the period during pregnancy and shortly after childbirth: maternity leave Origin: Early 17th century: from French maternité, from Latin maternus, from mater...
I am not an outstanding writer, nor do I intend to be. My intenions are simply to share my experiences in hope that they an help, amuse or even just...
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