I used to cycle a lot when I was younger, I’d grab my bike and off I would go on my adventures, not a care in the world. Nowadays I’d struggle to ride a bike without expecting to waddle the john waynesque walk for a few days afterwards but the Mr is a keen rider and one day he would love to get us all out for a family bike ride together, I’m sure Isabelle would love it.
Now I can’t be as carefree as I once was, admittedly I was a stupid child, I never wore a helmet but only now can I see the dangers I put myself in. Road safety wasn’t a huge concern for me but now it is, the first thing I asked the Mr was ‘is it safe?’. As long we covered all safety measures and prepared for dangers then of course it would be safe.
Here are a few useful snippets on how to stay safe on the roads
1) Don’t cycle too close to the kerb – not having enough space can lead to accidents, especially if you are like me and had a tendency to tumble. Give yourself space
2) Wear a helmet – it’s not rocket science, protect that noggin of yours…you are useless without it
3) Be visible – make sure other people, pedestrians, motorists and other cyclists can see you, if they can’t see you, you’re in trouble especially in poor light. Fluorescent and bright clothes for the day time and light/reflective clothing at night. Lights are also your best friend when cycling in low light…seems simple enough?
4) Make your intentions clear to other road users – give signals and give plenty of time for others to react, don’t just dart out and expect others to know where you are going.
5) Don’t weave in and out of traffic – it’s not a good idea and doesn’t leave enough time for other road users to react
It doesn’t take a lot to protect yourself on the road
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