How to Get a Good Work-Life Balance and Unwind After Work

relax and unwind

If, after countless hours of working in the office you feel exhausted, then you are not alone. So many people are in the same situation that you are in right now, but there are things that you can do to try and unwind when you get home. Here are some ideas that will help you.

Challenge Yourself

If you can’t stand the thought of waking up and going right to your workout then try and exercise after work if you can. Even though you might feel tired, sometimes getting a quick workout in is the best way for you to support your health and deal with any unwanted stress. When you workout, your body releases hormones. Endorphins trigger feelings of positivity into your mind and your body. If you want to get the most out of your exercise, then try and dedicate around 20 minutes after you have finished work, so that you can de-stress. Some of the things that you can do to improve your mood include:

  •       Yoga
  •       Cycling
  •       Swimming
  •       Jogging
  •       And more

yoga unwind


You may not realise it while you are at work, but during the day, your body will be exposed to a lot of different germs. It doesn’t matter whether you are wearing make-up all day or whether you are always touching your face because your skin is susceptible to both dirt and bacteria. This is why it is crucial for you to try and make self-care a part of your ritual. If you want to do this, then try and moisturise your skin in the morning, and use an exfoliator. If you can do this, then you will soon find that your skin is way smoother and that you are also able to eliminate acne, which can occur as the result of stress. It will also help you to start prioritising self-care too.

Have a Hot Drink

Having a hot drink can be very valuable if you want to soothe both stress and anxiety. You do need to keep in mind that tea has various effects on people. What works for one person might not work for another. You need to choose a tea that works for your needs, so take the time to study all of the ingredients. Chamomile tea for example can reduce severe symptoms of anxiety. Normal tea on the other hand is a stimulant, meaning that it can make your anxiety worse.

Listen to a Good Podcast

Another fantastic way for you to unwind would be for you to try and listen to a good podcast. Listening to some soothing music or even a motivational podcast can help you to reflect on your day and it can also help you to clear your mind. It doesn’t matter if you do it while you are making dinner or whether you do it while you are cleaning the house because it can help to boost your mood and your health sometimes. Studies have found time and time again that if you listen to uplifting sounds then this can slow down your breathing while relaxing your muscles. It can also really reduce your blood pressure too. If you want to get some good music on, or if you want to find a podcast then make sure that you check out Spotify.

Turn off your Phone

As time goes on, technology becomes a much bigger part of our lives. With tech always at our fingertips, it’s truly not uncommon to get lost in everything. From scrolling through social media to checking your email all the time, it’s incredibly easy for you to lose track of whatever is right in front of you. That is why it is absolutely critical for you to disconnect for a while. Before you go to bed, make sure that you give yourself an hour or two away from your phone. This will help you to shut off when it really counts, and it will also help you to support your mental health way more.

self care unwind

Have a Bath to Unwind

Another thing that you need to do is have a bath. When you do have a bath, you will soon find that it is easier than ever for you to relax and that you can unwind with ease. If you want to make the most out of your bath, then make sure that you invest in some fragrance oils. When you do, you will soon find that you can make your bath that bit more relaxing and that you can also choose fragrances which reflect the mood you are in as well.

Take a Walk

Sometimes taking a walk is a great way for you to unwind. If you have a dog, then take them out for a nice relaxing wander around your local town. You might also want to have a drive into the countryside so that you can connect with nature a bit. The great thing about doing this is that it will help you to really get away from work and it will also get those endorphins releasing as well.

Make Sleep a Priority

Another thing that you have to do is try and make sleep a priority. If you can, you have to make sure that you are getting enough hours at night because if you aren’t then this can easily work against you. You may find that you experience stress easier and that you are simply not able to process events in the day either. If you want to work around this then you need to try and focus on getting as much sleep as you can. Set an alarm each morning, and try and get 7, 8 or 9 hours of rest. If you do this, then you can find the golden number that works for you. It may be that when you get 7 hours, you feel rested but when you sleep for 9, it’s too much and that you end up feeling fatigued. If you know yourself, you will soon find that you can stop yourself from oversleeping, or under-sleeping.




1 Comment

  1. […] crucial that nurses take time for themselves when they need to. That means using their days off to rest or enjoy stress-free activities with family and friends; it means ensuring you eat well; it means […]

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