3 strong reasons to create and own a home gym

home gym equipment

Are you a fitness fanatic? Or are you wanting to make some changes to your current lifestyle? Fitness is something that is accessible to everyone, regardless of age, gender or disability, however, heading to the gym isn’t everyone’s first choice.

Let’s face it, the gym can be an intimidating place, especially if you’re unsure of what you’re doing. Not only can a traditional gym environment put people off, but there are also other factors to consider. Factors such as membership fees, busy periods, travel and parking and schedule conflicts. Sometimes it seems easier not to exercise.

However, this is where a home gym comes in. If you have everything you need to create fully focused and fully tailored workouts, why would you need to go anywhere else? You can pick up high-quality gym equipment like these BLK BOX Fitness kettlebells online. Slowly fill your workout space with everything you need to shift the spotlight from your intimidating high street gym to you and your fitness goals.

Read on for 3 strong reasons to create and own a home gym.

Tailor-made workouts

Looking to build muscle and work on your strength? Perhaps you’re training for an event, wanting to lose weight or you’re recovering from an injury. Whatever your fitness goals are, you can easily accomplish them in your own home gym.

Even with the most basic equipment such as kettlebells, dumbbells, resistance bands even sandbags and medicine balls, you’ll be able to specifically tailor your workouts to include all the movements and exercises you want, increasing the weight or the intensity as your confidence and fitness levels increase. You don’t need to be in a traditional gym environment to see results!

home gym workout


Due to Covid-19, not all gyms are open right now, and even without a worldwide pandemic to contend with, it’s not always easy to slot fitness into our busy schedules. But with your very own home gym, you’ll get maximum convenience with minimal effort.

No more driving across town, no more worrying about facemasks and wiping down machines after others have used them, just ample opportunity to work out when you want. Got a lot on your mind? Jump rope. Need a break from your screen? Pick up your kettlebells. Need a distraction? Your dumbbells are waiting. With a home gym, it’s incredibly easy to incorporate fitness into your everyday life.

And finally, it’s completely private

For some, the idea of working out in front of others is enough to put them off visiting the gym. Even though most gym-goers are only interested in getting their reps in and working on their goals, some find it difficult to forget those feelings of “all eyes on me“. With a home gym, you can work out to your heart’s content, smashing goals as you go. A home gym means you can benefit from complete privacy, not having to wait for gym equipment to come open, no loud distractions from others, and you’re in charge of the playlist.

Final thoughts…

Head online to blkboxfitness.com to start creating your own home gym and start reaping the benefits, today!


  1. […] trigger feelings of positivity into your mind and your body. If you want to get the most out of your exercise, then try and dedicate around 20 minutes after you have finished work, so that you can de-stress. […]

  2. […] weight off since you can maintain your muscle mass. Consequently, you can join your local gym or create a home gym and lift weights two to four times weekly. This form of resistance training can prevent this muscle […]

  3. […] you’d prefer to exercise at home but would like the structure of a gym, you could also consider setting up a home gym with your favourite gym […]

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