“Quick wrap everything in bubble wrap”– First time parents

“Quick wrap everything in bubble wrap”– First time parents 2

I never realised how dangerous my home could be before I had Isabelle, but as soon as she became mobile I was sent into panic mode. Every room possessed some kind of danger, the kitchen in particular.

During my life pre-Isabelle I was amused by all of these ‘safety’ products available on the market and thought do parents really need all of these items? having Isabelle has made me realise, that yes they do, well the majority in my case. Cupboard locks, fridge locks, oven locks, baby gates…I took it all seriously and suddenly I had the need to warp everything in bubble wrap.

bubble wrap

It started off really well, the baby gates did their job, the cupboard locks kept her away from poisonous chemicals, we had everything covered. As soon as she hit the age of two, cracks in our defences started to appear. The baby gates no longer created a fortress to the stairs and kitchen and our cupboard defences were breached. The clever little monkey had figured them out and was soon taunting us with her newly discovered tricks. Our efforts were now pointless, I cannot complain and knew that we couldn’t restrict her access forever, it was merely a short term solution whilst she was still a little too young to understand the dangers.

The only products that I rely on now are the trusty first aid kits, in all honesty they have been getting a lot of use recently with the little tornado tearing around but she is not the main culprit, it would seem the Mr has his fair share of accidents from burns to cuts, he is rather clumsy. We have the main first aid kit which we keep on top of the upper kitchen cupboards (out of of reach from little hands), travel first aid kits in our bags for our adventures and even one in the boot of the car just in case there are any minor accidents and boo-boos whilst we are out and about. I am forever refilling our first aid supplies with antiseptic wipes, plasters and ointments and even rely on PureSafety for our home and office first aid kits.

As she has grown we have adapted our need for home safety, once she upgraded her cot for a big girl bed we invested in a bed rail to prevent those night time tumbles out of bed but we have become somewhat fairly relaxed as parents now. I have to giggle at my pregnant self when I seriously considered a helmet for my unborn child to prevent those nasty bangs, it’s safe to say I was silly and we’ve done a pretty good job without it, she’s still in one piece and so far we have survived without any accidents other than bumps and grazes.

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