The Little Face of Venture is taking place again this year with Venture Photography offering a child the chance to be the Little Face of Venture and the opportunity to work with top modelling agency MOT Models. The lucky winner will also receive a year’s supply of fabulous shoes from Start-rite, if your child is anything like mine, they go through shoes at a rapid rate. It doesn’t stop there, this years winner will also be the proud owner of an amazing prize from Lego (this is the part I am most excited about, who doesn’t love Lego?) and the parents get the winning picture of their little cherub in a beautiful handmade frame from Venture Photography to hang pride of place in their homes.
2012 winner little Rowan signed with MOT Models and has worked with big brands including Argos and children’s clothing brand Original Marines.
It’s not all about the votes though, for every child child who takes part, a £1 donation will be made to WellChild, the national charity for sick children. Helping serious ill children and their families across the UK.
For details on how to enter, visit the Little Face of Venture.
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