Family Beach Days

Family Beach Days 2

Summer is well and truly here and many of us are taking the opportunity to head towards the beach in search of sun, sea and an all-around good time. While some prefer to kick back on the sun lounger and top up on their tan, others prefer to muck in and play around in the sand – the kids do, anyway.

As a family, it is always good fun to take some bats and balls along to the beach with you. That and it keeps the children occupied for a little while. It doesn’t just have to be a game of catch or batting the ball around, however, as there is a ride range of sports that you can play at the beach.

Here are just some of the sports that you can participate in together as a family.



Whether or not you can attempt surfing is largely down to the type of beach you are at. If you are in England, the chances are that you will not see waves large enough to surf on unless you are prepared to wait for the autumn, when you probably don’t want to be jumping in the sea (cold!).

If you are holidaying abroad, you can potentially find some beautiful beaches that lend themselves to surfers with majestic waves. Some of the best beaches include Tofino in Canada, Les Cavaliers in France and Japan’s White Beach in Okinawa amongst others. Small children must be supervised, preferably by an expert, when surfing and should stay at a reasonable distance from the coastline.

Beach soccer


Football is the nation’s favourite sport, so of course you can play this down at the beach. In fact, beach football is a sport in its own right, proving to be highly popular in Brazil. If you take a stroll down Copacabana Beach in Rio de Janeiro, there is a high possibility of stumbling across a game.

Beach football balls are inflated to a lower temperature than traditional footballs as players are barefoot – have you ever tried kicking a fully inflated football? It hurts. The best part about beach football is that it can be played by as little as two players, and expanded to include as many as possible! Oh, and diving for the ball doesn’t hurt as much as it might in the traditional game.




A favourite amongst beachgoers of all sizes, abilities and ages, beach volleyball is a very simple game that can constitute hours of fun. All you need is a net, which you can buy if you go to this website, and a ball. In the professional game, teams are made up of two players, but you can have as little or as many (that will fit inside your court) as you like.

To accommodate the little ones, you may wish to lower the net to at least give them a fighting chance. In an adult game, the net is 2.43m high for men and 2.24 high for women, so you should definitely give the little ones a helping hand.


Beach tennis is very much a combination of tennis and volleyball in the way that the scoring is the same as the traditional game, but the ball is not allowed to hit the ground. On sand, the ball will not bounce, so it makes sense, really.

Played on a regulation volleyball court with a net 1.7m high, beach tennis is design to be a rapid-fire version of the game you can see the likes of Roger Federer and Serena Williams play so well. Physically demanding and just as fun, the children will be more than ready to relax after playing!

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