Creating Amazing Images For Your Blog


When I first started blogging, it was normal to have blog posts that were just all text with no images but nowadays the key to enticing readers to your blog isn’t just down to the content of your post, a lot of it has to do with appearance. You want to entice your readers and make your posts stand out, as well as increase the likelihood of your readers returning and sharing your content. Having images in your post is the key to a successful blog post.


There are a number of reasons why images are important.

  • They help break up walls of text and make the post easier to read
  • They are a supporting tool help explain the content of your post by making the information easier to digest.
  • Your content is more likely to be shared if you have great imagery.

Why create your own images?

Whilst there are plenty of sites that offer stock images, those images are not solely of your own use. Those images can be purchased by anyone and used on 100s of other sites meaning that you have the same image as potentially 100s of other sites . Creating your own images makes your content completely unique.

Where to start?

When it comes to creating images for you your blog, you don’t have to be a professional designer or utilise professional tools to create beautiful images. Just remember the important parts

font bundles


Fonts play a huge role in design and creating graphics for your blog. Selecting an appropriate font is just as important as every other aspect of the design process. The correct font can bring your designs to life and make them pop.

The simplest design with the correct font can be the reason why your post is being shared and looked at 1000s of times on Pinterest and drives more traffic to your site.

There are a number of resources for fonts like Font Bundles that offers premium freebie fonts to their registered users with a new font being added each week. There’s a whole range of fonts available to suit your needs whether you are looking for a script font or web fonts to use on your site.


If you aren’t taking or using your own photography for your blog post images then there are many sites like Unsplash that provide free stock photos. They can be used alone or you can use them in your designs with overlays etc to personalise the image for your blog.

Useful Tip: You want to make sure that your images are relevant to your content.

blog post images

Not everyone has graphic design software available to create images but you can create your own amazing images on sites like Canva which is free to use but also has some premium paid for features. They often have templates which makes creating your content so much easier.

Other things to consider

If using images from the web to create your content, make sure to check the usage license as it can be a grey area when it comes to commercial usage of images.

You can add watermarks to your own images easily in WordPress with a watermark plugin like Easy Watermark.

Just to recap; images are an integral part of your blog post. Your blog post just won’t be as successful without supporting images which make the post visually appealing and engaging for your reader.

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