Over the past 12 months we have had our fair share of hospital visits, enough to last us a lifetime, from the Mr’s heart surgery to trips to A+E with the little one. My family mean everything to me so it’s difficult to think how different things would be if we weren’t so fortunate.
I honestly don’t know where we would be without the NHS, I’m thankful that we have a system that entitles us to free healthcare after having friends who have hefty hospital bills to worry about. I couldn’t imagine having to pay hundreds of thousands for our medical care in the past year alone. In saying that there is always private healthcare to consider but I’ve never experienced any problems with our current NHS system to warrant the need to pay for private care.
I’m no stranger to hospitals, I’m rather clumsy and have had my fair share of hospital visits with broken bones, surgery and childbirth, I think I have just about covered all areas of the hospital care system. Each time I have put my trust in their hands and I have never been disappointed.
Yes there have been times when I have been frustrated, particularly with the administrative system with appointment cancelations, wrong appointment dates etc. but they have also helped provide me with my little family. They assisted the birth of my beautiful little girl, they gave my partner a new lease of life with heart surgery & his recovery and they took care of my mother throughout her life as a renal patient and made her as comfortable as possible in her last days, they supported our family with the loss of loved ones and helped us through difficult times; for this I am thankful
We’re all guilty of moaning from time to time about the NHS but I honestly think that we are so privileged and lucky to have it. I have been fortunate and despite a few mishaps and accidents which could not have been foreseen, I am with the 73% of the UK that believes the government should not be cutting funding to the NHS. Cutting of funding will most likely increase the number of medical negligence lawsuits, with a current £42 billion already allocated to medical negligence lawsuits already, that’s a huge chunk of an already dwindling budget.
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