With the New Year approaching I am going to be assertive and actually commit myself to creating some New Years resolutions in the form of a to do list. I never really think of any New Years Resolutions other than “Lose Weight” I don’t think I have made any resolutions since I was forced to when in school (funnily enough I never stuck to them) For the first time in years I am going to be pro active and will have targets to aim towards by completing my projects, as well as the usual spiel
1) Have my own company up and running by May
2) Attempt to have at least drafted my books and to have made a start on the illustrations
3) To finish my parenting website
4) The classic lose many lbs and become a skinny minnie
5) TTC baby #2…….maybe
6) Take more photos
7) Blog more often
So there you have it, my resolutions of sorts.
Giving up chocolate was also contender but I’m not going to lie a future abstaining from chocolate does not bear thinking about (and who am I kidding? I wouldn’t stand a chance)
No going back now, I have it in writing
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