12 Business Blogging Tactics For 2021

business blogging

Every kind of business needs a blog to thrive, and when it comes to blogging, quality really matters. Unless your business blog is up to speed your web visitors will bounce fast. Creating a successful blog is about paying close attention to the latest business blogging tactics. To help you to improve your biz blog strategy let’s take a look at these 12 business blogging tactics.

Posts that help your audience

Businesses need to create posts that actually help their audience. These posts should be educational, engaging, and in response to search intent. To create helpful posts businesses need to complete detailed research. Your research should identify what your audience is seeking to learn. Once you know that, you can figure out the best way to deliver the information.

SEO trends

Businesses must pay attention to SEO trends in order to improve their blogs. Here are some of the latest SEO trends for 2021:

  • Long-Form Content: According to Stan Ventures, ‘One trend that will help you outrank your competitors in 2021 is consistently publishing long-form and relevant content on your website.’ When publishing long-form content you should ensure that you follow E.AT guidelines.

  • Behavioural Analytics: Throughout 2021 behavioural analytics will play a big role in SEO and content. Brands are needing to focus on the actions of their audience, and how they are taking these actions. It’s up to businesses to reverse engineer their content.

  • Voice & Image: Both voice searches and image searches are growing in popularity. Businesses must ensure that they optimize their content for both types of searches.

Remember your blogging niche

Business blogging is all about setting yourself apart from your competitors. To do so, you’ll need to define your niche and focus on this in your content. Think about your expert areas, your unique selling points, and what makes you special. Let your audiences know how and why you are an authority, to generate trust. According to The Balance, you can identify your niche market with these questions:

  • ‘What is it that my current clients have in common?
  • What are the “extras” that I bring to the market?’ 

Prompt the next step

Business blogs tend to help readers with a specific question or problem. Even if you’ve got a great article, the conversion rate may be poor unless you prompt the next step. Your content should have a solid conclusion that helps your readers know what to do next. How you conclude the article will depend on the stage your reader is at in the sales journey. Ultimately, it may not be the time for the hard sell just yet. To design a perfect CTA you’ll need to think about what the appropriate next stage is for this reader specifically.

Blogging plan
Watch your competitors

If you’d like to create the best content possible it’s important to pay close attention to your competitors. Competitor research can help you to define:

  • The ins and outs of your competitor’s content strategies.
  • Which types of content are your competitors producing?
  • How could you offer something different?
  • If you are covering similar topics, how can you ensure that your offerings are better? 

Trending content types

Creating awesome business blogs isn’t just about writing. It’s about paying attention to the trending content types and incorporating these into your strategy. Here are a few key ideas to focus on

  • Video Content: Whether it’s live or non-live, video is the perfect way to engage your audience, raise your conversion rates and increase blog traffic.

  • Podcasts: Adding a podcast to your blog is an amazing way to offer entertainment and info while building a relationship with your audience.

  • Free tools: Offer your audience free digital tools to help them solve problems and learn new things.

Promoting your blog

To reach new audiences, it’s important to promote your business blog. There are many easy ways that you can do this including:

  • Email Marketing: With the help of email marketing you can promote your blog posts to your existing contacts. You should segment your lists, so you can target users based on their interests.

  • Social Media: One of the best ways to promote your blog posts is to advertise your content on social media. With the help of social marketing, you can target the right demographics and users.

  • Guest Posting: Writing guest articles for other online publications is another great way to promote your own blog. You can include backlinks in your guest articles, to guide people to your site.

Besides this, good old fashion marketing tactics can still help you to build your audience. If you attend a networking event, ensure that you hand out your business cards. If you need new business cards, metallic printing offers a super sleek and professional look.

Interactive content 

To engage your audience in 2021, think about providing interactive content. There are plenty of forms of interactive content including contests, surveys, free tools, and quizzes. When you create interactive blog content you’ll benefit from:

  • Gather useful info about your audience.
  • Engage people and get more conversions.
  • Entertain your audience and boost loyalty.

Pay attention to analytics

When you’re producing a business blog it’s important to pay attention to analytics. When you access the right analytics you can figure out which content is performing the best, and which areas of your website could do with some improvement. There are plenty of tools you can use for blog analytics, including:

  • Tableau: With the help of this tool you can visualize your blog analytics and get to grips with the meaning behind the numbers.

  • Hubspot Marketing Hub: Using this software business owners can figure how which content is performing the best. The Hubspot Marketing hub lets you access all the useful analytics you need, in one place. You can take a look at how your blog articles are driving your conversions and sales.

  • SEM RUSH: With the help of the SEMRUSH tool you can track engagement data, traffic, keywords, and ranking positions. You can see how your blog is contributing to link building, organic search, and more.

Downloadable posts

When your audience is browsing the web they are bombarded with so many different types of content. They might like the sound of one of your blog posts, but not have the time to read it straight away. For this reason, it can be useful to create downloadable posts that your readers can return to at a later date.

Post quantity

Data from Hubspot suggests that ‘business bloggers that blog 20 times per month generate 5x more traffic than those that blog 4x per month.’ Ensure that you produce fresh new blogs regularly, to drive traffic and engagement.

Another thing that you can do is return to old content and update it. Once you’ve posted valuable content, it doesn’t have to go to waste, just because it’s old! With a few tweaks and updated info, you can give old content and SEO a boost.

Respond to current events

Consumers want businesses to respond to current events, whether it’s COVID-19, climate change, or politics. If you want to truly connect with your readers you’ve got to match their values and establish a sense of community. Build yourself a clear CSR strategy and ensure that you communicate this in your marketing content. Use your blogs to discuss relevant current events, and link these to your business where possible.

With so many ways to improve your blogging efforts, your business will soon generate plenty of new leads. Ensure that you keep up with the latest blogging trends over time.

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