I am proud to be a part of a community that supports one and other. Supporting others and encouragement through the good times but what surprises me the most is how they pull together to support those in need when times are bad. I am of course talking about the blogging community, that lovely bunch of bloggers that provide us with laughs, giggles, smiles, tears, practically a whole bag of emotions with their posts.
Over the past few months, I have witnessed this strong community rally around when times have been extremely difficult, from the loss of a well respected and loved blogger to the sudden tragic loss of a little girl. These events are heart-breaking but you lovely lot show that combined efforts can make such a huge difference and contribution when times are hard. The support is outstanding and especially considering that most of us have never met, it just goes to show that you are a compassionate bunch of outstanding people, all of you, I’m proud to be a part of it.
It doesn’t just end there, no matter how busy, are always trying to make a difference and not just for fellow bloggers either. The majority of you will know that there are three fab bloggers #TeamHonk that are currently spreading their #GoodWork on a trip to Ghana with Comic Relief for Red Nose Day. They are doing amazing work and you can follow their journey here #TeamHonk.
You are a truly amazing bunch of people and I am so proud to be a part of your community!
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