Weekly snippets

Weekly snippets 2

balance bike

Isabelle has discovered her singing voice, it’s loud, its repetitive and it makes me giggle. My goal this week is to capture her musical renditions to share with you lovely lot. 

She has also discovered her flair for interpretive dance and Jazz hands, particularly in supermarket checkout queues.

This week has seen the the ground breaking discovery of the number twelveteen, it also happens to be her new favourite number.

We discovered this week that Isabelle is exceptionally fast on a bike with pedals and stabilisers, the staff at Decathlon were also witness to the record speeds. Perhaps we’ll stick with the balance bike for a little while longer

Safety measures must be met during bath times, swimming goggles are a requirement. Must improve method of cleaning hair whilst wearing goggles.

Last week saw the unwelcome strike of mystery virus causing Isabelle to miss a few days of preschool, everything is back to normal now so we can leave the house before cabin fever set in.

Finally, Isabelle’s current career ambitions are that of the late Evel Knievel, I’m hoping she grows out of it but she informs me that she needs a cape anyway. If she starts to construct ramps out of duplo then I’m in trouble.


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