Christmas is fast on its way, and the kids are starting to get a bit excited for it. You might be dreading Christmas time, thanks to just how many supermarkets have been stocking festive items for the past 2 months, but even you can’t deny it can be a magical time of year! And of course, December is right around the corner, and that means it’s time to start getting the house ready for the festivities. But this year, maybe you could do something a little differently?
There’s a lot you can do in the run up to Christmas, what with the 25th still being a while away, and now’s the perfect time to foster the Christmas spirit a little more creatively. Maybe you’re on the lookout for a new tradition? Maybe you just want this Christmas to be a bit more special than any that have come before? No matter why you want to treat the kids this year, there are many little and different ways you can do so!
Make Gingerbread Creations
Everyone loves being able to bite into yummy ginger biscuits at Christmas, so why not take this to the next level this year? After all, Gingerbread is very much a Christmas staple, but even considering that, using Gingerbread to build houses and people and festive scenes is on a bit of a decline. And we don’t want to lose this tradition forever! Because of that, if you’ve never had a Gingerbread house competition before in your home, it’s time to introduce one.
Of course, you can bake up your own Gingerbread, but there are many ‘kits’ you can buy to make this a lot easier on your time. Each kit comes with pre-cut biscuits to stick together, and you can then decorate from there using whatever you want. Take the kids around the supermarket and let them pick out what items they want to use; make sure you get some icing writing pens in the basket and some icing sugar, just in case! Then set a timer and go.
Watch a Pantomime
Christmas pantomimes are a long standing tradition, and no matter where you live, if there’s a theatre nearby, you’ll find a Christmas show is set to go on this year. And if the kids have never been to the theatre before, maybe it’s time to show them a whole new world? You’ll even be able to spot a few ‘Disney Classics’ ready for performance, and the kids will love seeing their favourite stories unwind in real time right in front of their eyes.
So see if you can book some tickets over the next couple of months. Standard tickets tend to be no more than £25, and anyone under the age of 16 always gets a discount. And if you’re worried how the kids will fare in a big theatre, with the lights turned down low and the music turned up high, be sure to have a word with them beforehand. Tell them what to expect, and that it’s important to let you know if they’re uncomfortable.
Get Some Baked Goodies in the Post
Baked goods are always a popular item. And during the Christmas period, there are a lot of yummy pies and pastries you can whip up and share around. Of course, the kids might not have quite warmed to Mince Pies yet, but there are still a lot of cakes and cookies you can bake and decorate instead!
And we can even make your time in the kitchen a lot simpler this Christmas – get the goodies sent straight to you! Maybe you could say they’re from Santa, or maybe you just want the kids to have something scrummy to tuck into – either way, you can save some time and effort by looking into services like Brownie Delivery and get baked goods posted straight to your front door.
The kids will love receiving such a gift this year, and if it’s made for the whole family, you can share in the love together. A brownie to chow down on while snuggling up under a blanket and watching a movie – what could be cosier?
Go for a Christmas Meal
There are many restaurants, cafes, greasy spoons, and pubs that set up a festive menu right around this time of year. Why not take advantage of this turn in the season and go for a Christmas meal in the run up to the 25th? Whether you’re a fan of a roast dinner or a big slap-up breakfast, the Christmas themed meals that these places serve are always something special.
Some restaurants and cafes have a menu up for the whole winter season, and some only have Christmas meals ready to go for the week of Christmas itself. Either way, you can take a day to treat your family to breakfast, lunch, or dinner out somewhere. The kids will love the novelty of it, and it’ll save you from having to cook!
Find a Local Market
Christmas markets pop up all over the place during this time of year! So, why not take a day to go and visit one? The kids will love visiting the town centre during the festive period, and seeing the fairy lights strung up over windows and a big Christmas tree in the middle of the square, and you can all sit around drinking hot cocoa when you get tired.
Of course, it’s going to be cold, and it might rain, but that’s all part of the festive spirit! Make sure you’re wrapped up warm in a hat, mittens, and scarf, and spend a good half hour touring each of the chalets. Buy a festive bauble for the tree, and let the kids pick out new decorative figures that can hang off the branches as well.
And if you’re not sure where the nearest Christmas market is to you, be sure to check out this website for a handy breakdown.
Track Santa
Tracking Santa is a big tradition for a lot of families, thanks to just how easy it is to do so. Websites like NORAD and Google set up for December every single year, and from the 1st to the big day itself, your little ones can try out some online activities and games. They’re all festive themed, and when December 24th rolls around, you can track Santa in ‘real time’ to see whereabouts in the world he currently is.
The kids will love being able to do this, and even as an adult, there’s a certain sense of magic that comes with seeing Santa fly around the world. And if your children are still young enough to believe every single thing you tell them, this is a great way to back your stories up! Even older kids might quite like the way these websites work, and it’ll certainly help to keep the festive excitement to a manageable level the closer the big day comes.
If you want to treat the kids this year, forget about the 12 days of Christmas – turn it into the month of Christmas, and have a very festive time together! There are a lot of activities you can try out together, and this is by no means a comprehensive list. Try out the ideas above if you’ve got the time and budget to do so, but even just sitting down for a Christmas movie or going to an ice rink one night can make this Christmas all the more special.
Isa A
at 3:42 pmI really liked the thoughtful ideas. The best part was not spending on gifts but.more on memories. Baking is great to start with. I like the restaurants offering occasional deals. And loved the local market idea as those get festive. Liked it. Xx
Isa A. Blogger