The Top 5 Free WordPress Font Plugins


Typography plays a huge part in how your site looks to users. Some fonts can have a negative effect when users visit your site, especially if there is a lot of text. If you get it right though, different fonts create different user experiences which can increase engagement and increase the likelihood of customers and readers returning to your site. Whilst it might be tempting to have fancy looking fonts to make your site unique, it is best to stick to something clear and easy to read to reinforce your brand.


How to change your Font

If you are a novice when it comes to web design, and don’t know how to edit your themes files, the use of WordPress Font Plugins can help you improve the look and enhance the user experience of your website without having to write any code.

WordPress is a great tool when it comes to websites, it is no secret that it’s my preferred content management system. WordPress is fairly simple to use and is fully functional straight out of the box. The main advantage of WordPress is that it allows for complete customisation of your website. Whilst the type of font that you use is mostly determined by your chosen WordPress Theme, you can tweak the theme files to alter the fonts to personalise your site. Some premium WordPress themes come with built in access to Google Fonts but as previously mentioned if you’re not familiar with making changes to your code, an easy way  to add fonts to your website and modify them is with the use of WordPress Font Plugins, so you don’t have to mess with the themes files.. There are a number of font plugins available in the WordPress plugin repository that allow you to add custom fonts.

Here’s my list of the top 5 WordPress Plugins for Custom Fonts to help improve your design

Fontsy WordPress Plugin

WordPress Font Plugin

The Design BundlesDesign BundlesDesign BundlesDesign Bundles is a great all-round tool for all in one web font management. It not only allows you to import your own web fonts but you can also choose fonts from the vast free web font library to help create a beautiful blog that stands out from the crowd with no coding required. You can pick and choose fonts for any header type from an easy to use interface.

I’ve recently started using Fontsy and it has quickly become my firm favourite and go to Design Bundles for web font management.

– Free
– Easy to Install
– Clean Interface
– Easy to Use
– Ability to use own custom fonts

The Top 5 Free WordPress Font Plugins 1

Easy Google Fonts

Just like the name suggests, Easy Google Fonts integrates Google Fonts on your site to control the typography on your WordPress site. With the addition of a typography tab in the theme customiser it allows you to add google fonts to your theme without editing the theme’s main stylesheet.

– Live preview of changes
– Ability to select font sizes, colours, padding etc


Typekit Fonts for WordPress

Typekit is a subscription based service but has a large font repository. The Typekit WordPress Plugin connects your website to Typekit and is a quick and easy way to enable Typekit fonts on your website.

TinyMCE Advanced 

The TinyMCE Advanced plugin allows you to configure the WordPress visual editor by adding buttons which you want to be displayed in WordPress dashboard. It includes those that have been eliminated with previous updates, extending the default WordPress editor with more formatting buttons.

Google Font Manager

Google Font Manager is another WordPress plugin that allows you to select, browse and preview fonts from Google fonts and then add them to your library. You can use the fonts in your post editor and themes once you have a free Google Fonts API key.

Having used all these plugins at one stage or another, I would highly recommend them, particularly Fontsy for its ease of use and fonts available in the repository. They all make customising the fonts on your site achievable without the need for editing code.

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