Never was a truer word said than when being a parent was described as a full-time job. 24/7 we are expected to be on call and tend to our children’s every need, so when we get some precious time to ourselves, we really have to make it count.
How do you spend your free time? What free time? Admittedly, it can be hard to find any ‘free’ time, especially when you are the mother to a young child with virtually no independence. Even though we never like to admit it (at least in front of the kids), we do look forward to those brief windows when someone else can have them.
So, what does one do when presented with some much-needed ‘me time’?
Coffee With Friends
Inviting the girls round for a coffee and a natter is one way to spend a free morning. You could even order in some delicious treats from Beverly Hills Bakery, which offers speedy cupcake delivery in London, Manchester and everywhere else in the UK! As a mother, we don’t enjoy much of a social life. It’s quite nice speaking to someone whose nappy I don’t have to worry about changing…
We also don’t have much of an opportunity to enjoy the finer things in life in case they become ruined or broken. That’s why, when there are no children around, it’s good to sit at home with the girls and put the coffee machine for the best cuppa possible and catch up on the latest gossip, of course. If you really want to show off in front of your friends, why not invest in a coffee grinder?
Going to the Gym
Ah, the never-ending battle to keep fit and ‘in shape’. Difficult when you have a full-time job, nigh on impossible when you are a full-time mum. However, for some of us making time to go to the gym when the kids are at school or with their dad or other relatives (grandparents to the rescue) is one way to relax.
When you are getting hot and sweaty at the gym, you are doing something for yourself, rather than for someone else. It is also proven that exercise makes us feel happier by releasing dopamine in the brain, which can only be a positive if you are feeling stressed out from the challenges of life.
Retail therapy can be expensive when abused, but much in the same principle as mentioned before, buying something for yourself makes you feel good. When approximately 90% of your time is dedicated to everyone else, you deserve to treat yourself every now and then.
By shopping, we don’t mean pushing a trolley around a supermarket. We mean heading out onto the high street and looking around the shops at things you really want, even if it is just a spot of window shopping.
Making Time for Romance
Many couples with children find it difficult to make time for each other, which often leads to the downfall of an otherwise strong relationship. You should never feel guilty about making time to spend with your significant other every now and then. Don’t be afraid to ask the grandparents if they would not mind having the kids for a couple of hours or more (they will probably be more than happy to) while you go out on date night.
Time with your partner doesn’t have to be extravagant; it could just be whatever the latest addition is on Netflix, and a Chinese takeaway. In fact, that sounds perfect!
Obviously, children will always come first, but nevertheless, it is also important to make time for yourself every now and again and to make the most of it, even if all you want to do is sleep on the sofa!
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