Sponsored Video: Mum you’re fabulous!

Growing up I guess I never really appreciated the value of Mother’s Day, I’d make the effort to buy a card and gift of some kind but that was it. Now I feel a little guilty, especially being a mother now myself.

You see, it’s now that I realise what it actually means to be a mother and all the hard work that comes along with it. My mum was always there for me and she made me the person that I am today, quite literally so without trying to sound soppy, I wish that I had made more of an effort for that one day a year when mothers were celebrated and thanked for all their hard work. What made me come to this realisation? Well before my very first mother’s day last year I was adamant that I was not bothered by mother’s day in the slightest and at the time it was very true but as that day loomed closer I wanted my special day with my little family. Isabelle being only a few months old was far to young to understand anything about the day as you can imagine so it was down to daddy to do the work and make it magical. In my hesitance to celebrate the day previously I had almost ruined it for myself as my partner hadn’t bought a thing, not even a card. We had the conversation about me being confusing as I had said I didn’t want to do anything previously and now I did. I know it was my fault and I had changed my mind but he did go out and buy me a card, nothing else, just the card and I guess I had to be happy with just that. Well that was until I opened the card, it read

To Karina

Happy Mothers Day

From AJ & Isabelle

That was it, now being completely new to this I could be wrong but I’m sure the card should be written to mummy, mum or whatever you like to be called, but certainly not your first name. Now my partner didn’t understand what he had done wrong, as far as he was concerned he had followed my last minute wishes and bought me a card. I on the other hand was less than impressed. Luckily my aunt had stepped in just in case my partner slipped up and hadn’t bought anything. She produced a lovely card from Isabelle, and some little gifts including cupcakes. At the time I was disheartened by my partner’s lack of interest but now I can see the funny side of it, I even kept the card to put in my keepsake box. This year he made sure that he purchased a card without a prompt from me, he even got one for his mum to.

So now I can fully appreciate why we have mother’s day, its a little gesture to say thank you. Understanding this doesn’t help the guilty feeling of not celebrating mother’s day with my own mum and I really wish I could make up the times when I hadn’t put in the effort.

So this year tell your mum that she is fabulous and thank her for the things that she does for you (and for the men make an effort, even if its decorating cards with your children to give to their mum) It doesn’t have to be expensive, if the thought is there then that’s all she will need!


This post has been sponsored by Debenhams, but all thoughts are my own

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