Before we found out we were going to be having a little girl, the Mr started his collection of Hot Wheels cars. Each shopping trip would result in a new model being brought home to add to the ever growing collection. Soon enough he was nearing 100 cars, tiny replicas of their life size counterparts.
The Mr is a car enthusiast so I was happy to go along with purchasing the cars and I must admit, there was always a bit of excitement when I spotted a car that he didn’t have in his collection. Soon enough Isabelle was born and he had to put his collection to one side as there were now other priorities in his life.
A couple of years down the line something happened. Isabelle went routing in our storage boxes and discovered a box full of cars. She squealed with delight, her eyes wide with wonder and then it happened. No sooner had she discovered the box, the Mr was sat down next to her on the floor showing her the various models in all colours from different decades. This was something that they bonded over, at least once a week the box of cars makes an appearance and they set up a race courses for evenings of cars vrooming their way in and out of obstacles across the living room. It’s something that he an share with his daughter, something that they both have an interest in and that they an enjoy together. Isabelle now has a box of hot wheels cars of her very own that she adores.
The Mr really is a big child at times but seeing how happy the little cars make them both brings a smile to my face, even when I find cars stuck under furniture days later.
I’m sure the Mr would be delighted to take part in creating the ultimate Hot Wheels track just like the dad’s in this video. Who knows, he might just find a couple of cars in his stocking this Christmas.
For more information on Hot Wheels, you can visit their website
This is a sponsored post for Mattel but all thoughts and words are my own.
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