I’ve been strict dieting and working out for the past three weeks now, you may have read before that I am on a mission to transform this fatty into some kind of fitter, less fat version of me. I’m not naive, I know that it is a long term thing and I am not going to magically become thin over night but I have a goal to reach.
I’ve started with a drastic change to my diet, I’ve taken on the Keto diet which means no Carbs for me, it’s not all that bad but I did find it a struggle at first. Before others say it’s unhealthy and it’s not the way to do it, I have consulted medical professionals before undertaking this diet and I am at no risk whatsoever nor will I do any harm to my body. The diet isn’t for everyone but I can assure you I have thoroughly researched everything beforehand. Again it’s not a miracle diet that will have me dropping the lbs in a matter of days, it’s more of a lifestyle change, for a healthier fitter me, you see it’s not just my weight and size that is the issue, there’s also my health in the long term. This time I’m strict, no treats because I don’t physically need them and they provide no positive nutritional value to me.
The diet alone is not enough, I can’t just expect to lose weight by dieting, exercise is the main key. If I want to lose the flub then I need to get off my backside and do something about it. I threw myself in at the deep end, undertaking the Insanity Workout with Shaun T from the comfort of my own home. I’m now three weeks in to the first 60 day program and already I’m feeling the benefits, my abysmal first Insanity fitness test was more than doubled after the 2nd week. It’s not your average workout DVD with leotards, dancing and aerobics, it’s full on cardio, conditioning and strengthening. My general fitness was improved after just two weeks and I can see noticeable differences and changes to my body. My thighs are firming and losing inches, my back is toning and I am physically capable of more as well as becoming more flexible than I have ever been. The workouts are gruelling and I admit the first few almost had me quitting but I dug my heels in and continued. The first ever fit test showed me just how far I had let myself slip, I was physically sick afterwards but on the second test I became so excited at my achievements I pushed even harder, I pushed myself to my limits and caused myself to be sick again. It’s not for the faint hearted and I knew from day one that it would not be easy, three weeks in and I love it, I look forward to my evening workout, I want to see the improvements.
Now that I can see that this program works for me and I am physically more able I have set targets along with the Mr. We each have our own goals and are there to encourage each other along the way. One of our main targets and life ambitions is to run a marathon, so that’s exactly what we are going to do. In 2015 (that gives us 2 years) we are entering the Bupa Great Manchester Run, a whole 10k running with over 40,000 other entrants. Bearing in mind at this point, the only experience I have of running was in the form of cross country during those dreaded school PE lessons or running from vicious Yorkshire Terriers on my way to school, so this target is HUGE for us. In preparation I am undertaking Couch 2 5K, a cleverly designed program to have you running a whole 5k in as little as 9 weeks, I’ll be bloomin’ ecstatic if I can run 5k in that amount of time but it has been designed for beginners so it’s doable even for an overweight asthmatic like myself. I’m prepared with heart rate monitors, my ipod has been updated with a running playlist and I have planned out my starting routes. You can download the running plan direct from the NHS. I’ve downloaded a nifty little mobile app that also contains the C25k plan, I can track my progress using this and it’s helpful that it makes the most out of the plan and uses GPS to track and plan your routes. I never thought I would be one to say that I absolutely love running, I find it exhilarating and it provides me with a sense of freedom. Over the next 9 weeks, I’m hoping to see huge changes! I have taken before pictures but I’ll post them when I’m happier with my weight and size, for now they remain my motivation.
I’ve bitten the fitness bullet and caught running fever, I feel happier in myself and I can’t wait for my next update.
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