Review – Buggy Tug

Review - Buggy Tug 2

The Buggy Tug is the UK first branded wrist strap. Designed to securely hold onto your buggy so that it will not roll away should you take your hands from the buggy handlebar, so when asked to put it to the test we were delighted and could not refuse.

Review - Buggy Tug 3

The Buggy Tug is designed to fit all prams of any size. I was keep to see how well the Buggy Tug would work with a fully laden pram so we took it out Christmas shopping with Isabelle in tow.

The Buggy Tug is very easy to attach to your wrist and your pram in a matter of seconds and being made from neoprene it is very comfortable. It does not rub on your skin and leave any marks even when the pram pulls away from you.

It is short in length which means that the Buggy Tug cannot get tangled up either with itself or with bags etc. so it’s great for taking out shopping or even on the school runs when you are piled up the children’s bags and your own.

We purposefully took the Buggy Tug to a shopping area which is known for its (steep) hills and inclines, Stockport City Centre. In the busy Christmas period I was not looking forward to the hustle and bustle of shopping and having to put my breaks on every 5 minutes to stop the pram from rolling away from me when we came to a stop.

With the Buggy Tug on I wanted to see how strong it was and what would happen should my pram start to roll down a hill (I would not usually do this)  I was immediately alerted by a tugging on my wrist as the pram started to roll slightly. With this the pram was not able to roll far at all and came to a stop when the Buggy Tug was as at the peak of its tension.

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I was able to leave it on the pram whilst shopping and as an added bonus I wasn’t concerned over leaving the pram for a few seconds whilst looking at items. I used the buggy tug in stores so I could still browse with the pram and I knew it wasn’t going to go anywhere whilst still attached to my wrist (Again I would never leave a pram unattended). It’s small enough so that even when you collapse your pram it does not interfere with the folding or storage, it can simply be left in place ready for the next use. I keep mine in my changing bag and I would be lying if I said it took up any room.

Review - Buggy Tug 5

The Buggy Tug goes everywhere with me now when I take the pram out. It is great to have that extra security and added safety precaution when out with Isabelle. She won’t roll away anywhere even if I take my hands off the handlebar.

At only £3.99 these simple and cheap wrist straps are excellent value and having under gone rigorous testing I was in full trust of the Buggy Tug and would recommend them to anyone. It’s amazing what I simple strap can achieve!

Available direct from Buggy Tug, Amazon, Boots, Kiddiecare and many more stores. For a full list of suppliers see here

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