Reasons why my toddler might be freaking out

Reasons why my toddler might be freaking out 2

It’s not easy to forget that a toddlers life is extremely difficult and throughout the day they go through many trials and tribulations, Isabelle is no exception……


She wants to wear her t-shirt backwards
She doesn’t want to wear matching shoes
Today she doesn’t like meat
Today she doesn’t want to sit in the car seat
I picked out the wrong coat for her to wear
She wants to wear socks on her hands instead of mittens
The apple is too crunchy
She’s hungry and tells me she wants pizza when actually she wants something else but can’t remember the word for it
She wants to sit on my knee but doesn’t want me to touch her
She’s not allowed to play in the sink
She’s not allowed in the fridge
Something touched her ears
She wants to keep her shoes on for bed
The cat wouldn’t dance with her
When I don’t understand what she says
I wont let her play with my phone
When we are out and there is no Curious George to watch
Her sleeves are touching her hands
She doesn’t want to sit in her car seat today
She doesn’t want her shoelaces fastened
She wants a marshmallow but it ‘feels funny’
We didn’t build the correct building with her blocks
She wants to get in and out of the bath by herself
If she strips naked then it must mean bath time with “bubbles!”
When we draw the wrong size circle
There’s an animal we can’t touch
She wants to put an item where it doesn’t fit
I gave her the wrong colour crayon
The hoover doesn’t cooperate
She doesn’t want to get out of bed
Time away from Lamby the lamb when he is having his weekly wash
I wasn’t watching when she was dancing
I wouldn’t watch the same film for the 4th time that day
The tablet has a lock screen
We won’t let her climb
She can’t take take 6 teddies out to the shop with us
The cat does not like being picked up
There are no ducks when we go to the park
We give her the ‘wrong’ plate at dinner time
When we can’t find something that we are looking for but she can’t/won’t tell us what it is
Food must be eaten off mummy’s plate even though we have the exact same
Her hand feels heavy and her fingers touch
Removing the denture gel that she had thrown into the shopping trolley
We can’t find the same video of kittens we watched two months ago
There are no cats or dogs at nanas house
The toy she has squashed into the speaker is now stuck
We don’t know the words to the song she is singing
She doesn’t like how her tongue feels
She threw her best stick in the river to play pooh sticks and we cannot get it back
She has too much food in her mouth
She got her shoes dirty
The peas will not stay on her fork
She does not like a smell
Today she does not want to wear pants
This sweet doesn’t taste the same as the last one
She sneezed when she was tired


  1. I’m sure it’s not the response you were hoping for but thank you so much for the giggle this morning. LissyLou is exactly the same, I can’t do anything right and I don’t let her watch One Direction/McFly on repeat all day long!

    1. It would seem the terrible two’s has hit us like a tonne of bricks. Today Isabelle didn’t want to drink out of her usual cups, she only wanted to drink out of cup that is part of her children’s wooden teaset

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