It’s been a while since we last had a decent update, the past few months have been crazy with the Mr’s heart surgery, I honestly do not know where the time has gone.
These past couple of months had a knock on effect on Isabelle, she became confused and acted out being more mischievous than usual. We tried to keep the impact of the Mr’s health on her to a minimum but it couldn’t be helped. You know yourselves that when you are not 100% that childcare can change, well her daddy was not 100% for a long time due to infection and also healing chest bone. She took it harder than we thought but she understood that daddy was poorly and she would hurt him, this we did not originally give her enough credit for. On the other hand, her tantrums increased, she refused to listen and her relationship with daddy was not the same, she stopped wanting him to do things and spending time with her. Just when there was a light at the end of the tunnel, the Mr returned to work, again upsetting and disrupting the routine that we had created while he was recovering at home. It doesn’t seem like much but the little one is fragile, she likes her routine, she does not like big changes to her routine.
It’s now been a month and we are finally putting the whole ordeal behind us and looking forward to making plans for the near future. Moving home, siblings, new work ventures, in no particular order,it’s all systems go.
These past couple of weeks have been busy, Isabelle was Christened on Sunday. I know it’s usually done when they are babies but we wanted to be certain that we were happy with our choices and Isabelle had a reasonable understanding of what was happening. We had a lovely day and celebrated with family and friends with my lovely aunt and uncle agreeing to be Isabelle’s godparents.
We are still potty training, in the house she is perfect and uses the toilet with no problems, this has continued for the past 4 months. Our problem lies when we leave the house and she has occasional accidents, usually around other children as she gets a little excited and forgets. Hopefully this will have stopped happening by the time she starts pre-school in January.
Isabelle has come on leaps and bounds, her vocabulary amazes me and she never stops wittering on about anything and everything. She is very aware of what is going on around her and she soaks it all up. She has recently learned her alphabet and can now have full conversations that actually make sense. She is very inquisitive and asks a lot of questions,she likes to know what everything is and what it does. It’s truly amazing to see how quickly she is developing now.
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