Making time together as a couple

Making time together as a couple 2

It’s often been said on this very blog that the Mr and I don’t really get to spend time together as just a couple anymore, we’re not blaming little legs and love spending time together as a family but every now and again it’s be nice just to have that time together without worrying about nap schedules, toilet schedules and entertaining an excitable preschooler. I can’t remember the last time we had a planned day out without the child, it’s been years.

The Mr is my best friend and sometimes in family life you tend to sacrifice time together.This year we’re planning on making a change and spending some quality time together as a couple, just like we did before little legs came along. I’m putting my plan into action and  weekends away are high on our priority list with the aim of at least two getaways before the year is out.


First on my list is a trip to London, I’m always drawn to the hustle and bustle of the capital, it’s night life, food and atmosphere are selling points for me and I’m sure the Mr would enjoy a trip to London that isn’t a work trip. We could dine out in the evenings, go sight seeing during the day, take in the museums and galleries and visit the tourist attractions. I’d like to take a trip along the Thames and maybe a spot of shopping or even visit the Food Lovers Market Soho to share our foodie passion. 

Obviously we want to be sensible with our money, nothing too extravagant but sourcing tickets to the Soho Comedy Club and open mic nights that we have found on Localmart in London will certainly help us keep to our budgets.


Next on my list is a nice calm and relaxed weekend in the Lake District, a weekend of enjoyable walks, log fires and perhaps even an afternoon out boating on the lakes followed by some fish and chips by the water.

This year we will make more of an effort to spend time together as a couple, not necessarily on date nights but the occasional trip to the cinema, wandering around farmers markets at the weekend and walks in the peaks would be the perfect treat.


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