Many mums speak of that “sudden rush of love” when they see their baby for the first time and during my pregnancy I worried that I would not experience this. I had spoken to my partner about my fears like what if she realises that I don’t have that sudden rush of love and how long will it take me to love her like a mother.
When the day of my labour came, the truth hit home. I already loved her more than I could possibly imagine and I couldnt wait to hold her in my arms and kiss her forehead.
At the time of her birth, like most mothers at this stage I was exhausted. She arrived into the world and was placed on my chest and even though I could barely string a sentance together due to the amount of painkillers in my system and extreme tiredness, I felt it. I felt that rush of love and I didn’t want it to go away. I felt silly for the anxiety during my pregnancy, she was perfect and mine.
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