The year 2020 has certainly been a different one so far, with the global pandemic of the COVID-19 virus which resulted in countries initiating full lock downs. It has caused a whole heap of problems worldwide and country wide lock downs have changed people’s lives overnight. We have all had to adjust to a new normal from cancelled holidays, home schooling, working from home, the toilet roll saga and being separated from your loved ones. If someone told you that this was going to happen, you would not have believed it. It is more like the plot line of an apocalyptic Hollywood movie than real life.
So, what changed for us?
Little Legs has been home schooled since March, that has been a huge learning curve for both of us but we made it to the end of the school year unscathed.
The Mr has been working from home since the start of March too, he has actually adjusted quite well to home working life, I think he will be a little disappointed when he has to return to the office.
We’ve been in the vulnerable group due to myself having Asthma and the Mr being a heart patient so our contact with others and the outside world has been extremely limited. I’m quite close with family members so not being able to see them has been particularly hard, especially when we couldn’t celebrate my nana’s 80th Birthday.
We’ve not been able to just go out when we please and had to be inventive and creative for ways of entertainment.
Food shopping started out as a complete nightmare, not being able to pick up your usual shopping (especially with an ASD child) was completely stressful and anxiety inducing.
My anxiety increased tenfold throughout lockdown and it has been troublesome at times. As a result I’ve been looking at ways to reduce and control my anxiety by taking time out to do yoga, also using CBD Oil for Anxiety and trying to accept that I cannot control everything. I know that I am not alone when it comes to the increased levels of anxiety, it’s not surprising given the impact that the pandemic has had on people’s lives. The burden of uncertainty, loneliness & financial stress can quickly take its toll. I’ve found that finding a comfortable routine, taking time for myself and taking things slow have been essential for my well-being. Finding ways to relax like taking up a hobby, going for a walk and even taking remedies such as hemp extracts can have significant health benefits. You can find out more about which hemp products are available to you and how they work by visiting Hemp products have been safely used to reduce anxiety, insomnia and depression.
The Silver Linings of Lock Down
For us though, it hasn’t all been doom and gloom, we have had so many positives come from being in lock down.
Like many families we’ve spent a lot more time together. Spending this amount of time together has made us appreciate our being together that little bit more.
We love our little home but during lock down have come to appreciate it that little bit more. After moving in 4 years ago, we finally had the time to makeover our garden. A few weeks of hard work and our garden has gone from being a muddy unusable space to somewhere wand e love spending our time. We are not the only ones that have taken the opportunity of being at home to undertake home improvements. The nation has gone home improvement crazy sprucing up our homes. We have all been seizing the moment to start decorating rooms, up-cycling furniture, garden makeovers and even bigger jobs like extensions and replacing windows and doors by making the most of window special offers.
We’ve been able to work on ourselves and take time for ourselves without interruption. I’ve been able to take time out for yoga and work on some much-needed personal well-being which has helped a great deal with my anxiety. Metal health is such an important aspect of our lives, in times like this it’s easy to neglect. If you are struggling with your own mental health, there are charities that can help with support like I cannot stress enough how important self-care is.
Although we have been inside the same 4 walls for the majority of the past 4 months, it hasn’t actually been all that bad. I have adopted the mantra “Safe at home, not stuck at home”. I’m happy knowing that we are safe in our own little bubble.
People have come together and there’s been an overwhelming sense of community and support for each other. Little things from neighbours offering to pick things up if they are going shopping to the whole nation being more appreciative of our NHS. We’ve had people like Sir Captain Tom Moore becoming an inspiration overnight in his part to help support the NHS, it’s things like this that have been the silver linings to this whole ordeal.
Some of us have learned new skills because we have had more time on our hands and less distractions. We have picked up new hobbies and discovered new passions in life.
Whilst it has been stressful with uncertainty, our lives have actually been more relaxed and have taken a slower pace. There has been no rushing to get from place to place. No worrying about being late or behind schedule. Lockdown life has been relatively laid back.
So, whilst it’s easy to get caught up in the whirlwind of chaos and disruption, there’s always positive outcomes and silver linings to the situation.
at 5:28 pmIt sounds like you’ve really learn to appreciate the good in a bad situation. Its a shame that Lockdown may happening again! but at least we are more prepared for it!
your living room is absoloutely stunning also!