Happy 2013 to you all
It’s been rather chaotic here at Mum’s the Nerd, lots of family visits and festivities. We’ve had such a lovely time spending our Christmas season with family, this year for the first time we spent the whole of Christmas day with my family which meant I got the day off from cooking duties. I spent my morning relaxing with the Mr and a rather excitable Isabelle who wore herself out from all that present opening. The night before we played Santa’s elves when we had popped the little one in bed, building her shiny new wooden kitchen, it took hours which we weren’t really prepared for.
It was lovely to spend the day with my family for a change and Isabelle had a whale of a time running riot, after opening her 2nd lot of presents from my family (and helping others with theirs of course.) By the end of the day I was ready to drop and for the first time in a long time Isabelle fell asleep in the car on the short journey home, she was that tired that we simply scooped her up, got her changed and put her to bed.
Boxing day came and Isabelle was just as excited, she had forgotten all about her lovely gifts from the previous day so spent her first hour awake downstairs ‘oohing’ and ‘ahhing’ at everything whilst mummy and daddy had the rather tedious task of taking toys out of boxes and setting them up ready for her to play with. Boxing day is also my aunts birthday so whilst Isabelle was being bathed (after a covering herself with squirty cream) I headed over to wish her happy birthday. Meanwhile the Mr started preparing the lunch for Christmas Day take 2. His parents were coming over as they hadn’t had the chance to see the Mr or Isabelle on Christmas. Isabelle was rather looking forward to seeing Pops so he could spin her around and make silly animal noises with him, we soon discovered that Isabelle has a rather ferocious and convincing lions roar. The day went well without any hitches and again I didn’t have to cook a thing, I could quite get used to this relaxing malarkey.
By the time New Years Eve arrived, we were burnt out, so there was no drinking or night out for us. Instead we tucked the little lady up in bed and enjoyed a nice evening of relaxation by the fire, toasting our feet, eating junk and spending quality time together, for me that was perfect. we saw the new year in and headed off to bed. It’s a rock and roll lifestyle being a parent.
For New Years day, my nana had invited my whole family around for lunch and stressed herself out in the roasting hot kitchen. The day was a little something like Christmas with the Griswold’s but I enjoyed every minute of it, including the hiccups. From them mistakenly throwing their lunch in the bin by accident to the mismatched tables and chairs to seat us all, I don’t think I have laughed like that for a long time. To end our day, we set off some Chinese lanterns to remember those that we had lost over the years, it was lovely, right up until we set the neighbours bushes alight.
I almost forgot to mention that one of our Christmas gifts was a rather thoughtful break away for our little family. So today we are off to Chester for a few nights away, maybe we’ll even squeeze in a visit to the zoo.
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