Guest Post -A new convert to online bingo

Guest Post -A new convert to online bingo 2

Since I had my baby and stayed home with her, I’ve spent a lot more of my leisure time online that I used to. Of course, she takes up a lot of my time, but when she’s taking a nap, or tucked up in bed, I find that I try things online that I’d never have had time to do before.


Just a couple of months ago, I played a game that I never imagined I would – online bingo! In my head, bingo had always been a game that I’d associate with my Gran and her friends going down to the bingo hall once a week. I didn’t think it would be something I’d ever find interesting. But you almost can’t avoid the number of ads on TV for bingo and I guess it had filtered into my subconscious and I suddenly felt like having a go.

If you’ve never played before, there’s no problem in getting started. All you need to do is put in the word ‘bingo’ and a huge range of sites comes up, each of them offering new players a tempting bonus to get them to sign up. One of the many I looked out included bgo and I chose it as it’s a site that offers other games as well as bingo, so I thought a bit of variety is no bad thing. All the sites say the same kind of thing – click here to play and win, or something like that. So I did!

Whichever site you choose will usually match or double the initial amount you put down into a gaming account, so you start with a win at any rate, even before you’ve played any games. And once you’ve signed up and deposited money, there are plenty of free bingo games to play. These freebies are the sites’ version of loyalty schemes – you’ve paid something into the site and as a reward, they give you the right to play some games for free. If I’m online playing bingo and see that a free game is coming up on the schedule, I always get a ticket – why wouldn’t I?

Since I’ve been playing bingo, I have had a couple of small wins, but to be honest, that isn’t what keeps me playing. I find that playing bingo online is actually quite a good way to unwind and relax. If you’re worn out but don’t feel like watching the same old, same old, on the TV, then playing a few games of bingo is quite a good alternative. There isn’t any effort required on the player’s part – you just choose the game and how many tickets. The software takes care of the actual playing of the game – crossing off any numbers that you have that match the calls and logging a win if you have one.

But there’s another reason I like bingo and that’s because you can talk to the other players. I don’t imagine I’ll strike up any lifelong friendships via the bingo chat rooms, but there is something nice about being able to exchange a few greetings with someone playing the same game as you, someone who you never would otherwise have met. And it’s sometimes a good outlet for me when I’m feeling a little lonely, being at home with the baby.

I can’t imagine I’ll ever be as attached to bingo as my Gran was, but for those times when I’m at a loose end and want a bit of entertainment, online bingo certainly ticks the box for me!

Bio: Karen is a management consultant turned SAHM and has stayed home since the arrival of baby Ella in 2012.

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