Father’s Day–The Raspberry Pi Project

Father’s Day–The Raspberry Pi Project 2

It only comes once a year but it always leaves me stumped and I never know what to get for the Mr, he is impossible to buy for and on a day when we are encouraged to celebrate the man in our lives I don’t really want to let him down since he does so much for us. Then I had an idea, after weeks of stressing about gifts and looking around for Father’s Day inspiration, I knew what the perfect gift would be all along.

He’s not really into the usual bottle of tipple, and he’s not a chocolate kind of guy but what he does like is gaming. I know that he has been lusting after an arcade table but without bankrupting us it wasn’t really an option…or perhaps it was?

retro-gaming-console-tableThis year along with the obligatory cards and homemade gifts from Isabelle my master plan is the start of something epic! With our love of retro gaming, especially arcade games we are staring the Raspberry Pi Arcade Project, the build of our arcade style coffee table. Running emulators we will be able to play our favourite arcade and gaming classics, I’m looking forward to having Ms. Pac-Man readily available. To start with we have the basic elements already so my Father’s Day gift this year is the the award winning Raspberry Pi for us to tinker with and create our dream gaming machine.

It might take us a while but we are going to document everything along the way until we reach the final product. If like us and you are stumped for ideas for a father’s day present and you know that the man in your life is a massive gamer but you don’t fancy the process of creating your own machine then there’s always the classic games consoles to buy. We’re a little bit in love with 80’s and 90’s consoles, my particular favourites are the SNES, Megadrive and the N64.

Perhaps when we have finished the table I can modify an old Gameboy…


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