Easter Crafts and Games with PoundWorld

Pound World, Cheap Easter Crafts, Eater Craft Ideas

This weekend is the Easter Bank holiday weekend, a great time for families to get together again after the Christmas period. This weekend also means that the Children are off school for a whole two weeks!

A few of my close friends actually dread the school holidays, not because they do not like spending time with their children but because they struggle to find ways to keep the children entertained over this period without breaking the bank.

I’m lucky in a way that Isabelle is at an age where she is easily pleased, she’s happy enough with just an empty box but I know that this will not be the case as she grows up. I spend all day every day with Isabelle so I am always looking at fun things that we can do together. As I was searching for ideas we were kindly offered some Easter crafts from the lovely people at Poundworld. Isabelle loves to express her creativity so it was a great idea for some Easter themed fun.

Pound World, Cheap Easter Crafts, Eater Craft Ideas

We received three great items from Poundworld including an Easter Card making set, an Easter themed painting set and also an eater egg hunt set. These were great and I couldn’t wait for us to try them out.

Pound World, Cheap Easter Crafts, Eater Craft Ideas

Unfortunately at Isabelle’s age I was not ready to trust her with the paints in the painting set so instead she was issued with her crayons to doodle and colour away on her Easter pictures, even mummy and Great Nana got involved in this although Isabelle was not very impressed with our artistic flair. She wanted to colour by herself.

Pound World, Cheap Easter Crafts, Eater Craft Ideas

The pictures contained images of spring flowers, eater bunnies, baby chicks and Easter baskets which we could colour in any fashion we saw fit. Isabelle’s pictures are now hanging pride of place in my kitchen to add a little colour and to show off her work.

Pound World, Cheap Easter Crafts, Eater Craft Ideas

Next we moved onto the card making, I was a little daunted by this as I thought the worst and imagined glitter and allsorts flying everywhere in my house but I was pleasantly surprised. The cards were small and a separate sheet of Easter characters were included to decorate the front of our cards with no glitter in sight and no mess.

Pound World, Cheap Easter Crafts, Eater Craft Ideas

The characters included little sticky tabs on the backs so I didn’t even have to crack out any glue, also supplied were Happy Easter greetings and some little yellow feathers that would have looked lovely on our cards but Isabelle attempted to eat them and they were unusable after that. Still though our cards were looking pretty good

Pound World, Cheap Easter Crafts, Eater Craft Ideas, Easter Games, Easter Egg Hunt

Finally we set some time for our Easter egg hunt, the brightly coloured card eggs and baskets certainly drew Isabelle in and she wanted to play straight away. Being one for collecting items she was certainly able to pick up on the game objectives. It’s a great idea for young children and the eggs can be hidden in and around the house with the great little signs/pointing arrows to give some clues as to the locations of the eggs.

Pound World, Cheap Easter Crafts, Eater Craft Ideas, Easter Games, Easter Egg Hunt

Overall we had hours of fun created with some very cheap ideas, what’s even better is that we can reuse them for next year, well maybe not the Easter cards as these have been signed by Isabelle ready to deliver to the family this weekend.

Easter Crafts and Games with PoundWorld 1

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