Cosatto Slim Jim Review

Cosatto Slim Jim Review 2


We were recently sent a Cosatto Slim Jim High Chair from the fab people at Cosatto. They had answered our distress call for a high chair that we could travel with and also take to the grandparents house. It had to be small, compact and light weight.

When the Slim Jim arrived it wasn’t what I was expecting at all, don’t worry that’s not a bad thing. You see the box was incredibly small and then that led me to think “oh no, it must require assembly” and if you know me, putting things together is not one of my favourite things to do. Pulling the chair out of the box I had to have a dig around inside for nuts, bolts, screws etc but I couldn’t find any. Confused I looked at the chair and was amazed to find that it was all there, pre-assembled and ready to go. It was so compact when in its folded position that I was doubtful if it was a full sized high chair.


Again I was wrong, using the release button underneath the chair was very smooth to open and set up in three smooth actions for me. It locks into place and becomes a full sized and secure high chair. So far so good Cosatto!


The chair is very slim (hence the name) when folded which means that its perfect to store, so if you are stuck on space or want to pop the chair away in a cupboard between uses then this is THE high chair. We started out with a folding high chair but it was clumsy and awkward, even though it folded down it was nothing like the Slim Jim.


The chair itself is nicely padded even at the sides and has an adjustable harness that even allows you to change the height as your child grows.

The orange tray is large so provides enough room for your child to eat off of without being cramped. The design of the chair is great, bright and colourful. Isabelle loved the popsicle pattern and I was a big fan to.

The chair does not feature a bar between the legs so the harness has to be used, this isn’t a problem for me as Isabelle is always secured into any chair using a harness. We never leave her without being fastened in.


There are no fiddly bits on the chair which makes it incredibly easy to clean. There is nothing that annoys me more than little nooks and crannies that food can get into and make it difficult to clean. All of the materials on the Slim Jim can be removed for cleaning, I’ve never had this on a highchair before so it is a real novelty for me as meal times with Isabelle can get very messy.

The chair folds down just as easy as it sets up, pressing in the same handle button as you do to open it and pushing the back of the chair forward.  It folds down that simple ready for you to store away.

Now when we visit family its often difficult for us all to eat together, especially as there is no highchair at the grandparents. Isabelle either has to sit on our knee at the table or we take to the floor with her. Not a perfect situation when we want to enjoy a family meal.


The Cosatto Slim Jim has solved our problems and it has proved more than useful for weekends away. The high chair folds down and fits perfectly in the boot of our car without taking up a lot of room. We can get the chair in there, plus our Cosatto Yo! Golightly, shopping and we have even had luggage in there to.

We have been incredibly impressed with the Cosatto Slim Jim highchair.  Its be perfect for travelling and small enough to store away. In our house a highchair is a permanent fixture but now we have the perfect solution to take to the grandparents so we can all eat together as a family. A big Thank You to the lovely chaps at Cosatto!

Overall the Slim Jim is excellent value for money priced at £70 and it also comes with a 4 year guarantee!

Look out for our Cosatto Slim Jim Video coming soon!

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