Children’s Nativity

Children's Nativity 2

Back in my school days one of the main things that I can remember about Christmas time was the schools version of the nativity. Being a catholic school the nativity was a big thing and every child wanted to take part. I lucked out a coup-le of times being a star sheep or the lesser known role as passer by but I was important to those scenes. I was never Mary or the Angel Gabriel, those were the roles that I secretly yearned for but being a shy child I was probably glad I didn’t get the leading roles.

Children's Nativity 3

My daughter on the other hand, I can see her being Mary or the Angel as she loves the attention so imagine my surprise when she was asked to play the Angel for her play group nativity this Christmas. I felt so proud that she had been asked and I couldn’t wait to be there with my camera to capture those moments and share them with my friends and family.

Then I discovered that times have changed al lot and the nativity costumes are no longer provided for the Nativity scenes and my lack of sewing knowledge would end up in costume making disaster. I spent a few days panicking on how to create a costume before I was advised that I could simply buy one. Why I hadn’t thought of that sooner I do not know, so with my hatred for clothes shopping in stores I took to my online sanctuary and discovered that I could purchase a Christmas fancy dress at Fancy Dress ball and was amazed at the huge range available, I was even tempted by the gingerbread costume but had to think realistically that a gingerbread angel might be a little too much.

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