Give a helping hand to Charity

Donate, Charity, donate at home

If you enjoy helping different causes in your area, there’s a good chance that you have already donated blood, participated in a clothing drive, or collected non-perishable food items for underprivileged families. But there is something that’s even easier that you can do from the comfort of your own home to make a difference.

Donate, Charity, donate at home

MusicMagpie is a CD buyback service that will take your used discs and give you a cheque in exchange. While many people get rid of their entertainment collection simply to earn a bit of cash, this is also a good way to raise money for your favourite charity (or charities).

cds, cd stack

Here’s how it works: You collect at least ten discs to sell on their site. All you have to do is enter the bar code from the discs, or if you have a web cam or smart phone, you can download the musicMagpie app to scan the code. MusicMagpie does the rest of the work from there on, including sending a free courier service to your home to collect the items if you are selling at least 25 discs. With this advantage, you’ll never have to worry about trying to fit time into your schedule to drop off CDs; in fact, the courier can pick up your items even if you don’t plan to be at home.

If you are selling fewer than 25 items, you can still send them off for free because MusicMagpie will provide you with postage labels. You can either print them or receive them in the mail, and then all that’s left to be done is pack your discs in a cardboard box and drop them off at a participating Send Shops location. Most Send Shops are located in convenient locations, such as supermarkets and service stations.


This process is not only easy, but it also allows you to raise money for more than one charity at a time. You can choose which charities you donate to from the MusicMagpie web site. Beneficiaries include Xpro, Breast Cancer Care, RSPCA, Big Salute BFBS, the Terrence Higgins Trust, the Teenage Cancer Trust, and The Children’s Society. If you find that you want to make an even bigger impact, a good idea would be to have a “disc drive” where you collect CDs, DVDs, and video games from your family and friends to send off for charity. Just remember that in order to sell CDs, DVDs, and games, MusicMagpie requires that all discs be in their original case with the artwork intact.

Normally, when we think of raising money for a good cause, we also think of investing time, money, and energy into the cause. However, selling your discs to raise money for charity redefines what it means to make a difference because you don’t have to sacrifice much at all to make it happen. With that in mind, you can raise funds for these charities on a consistence basis.

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